
Simple tweet analyser using Nodejs.

Technology Used

In this:


* NodeJS (version above 8)


  1. Download Zip or Import using fork the repository and then to your desktop.
  2. run npm install to install all node dependencies in your project.
  3. Add the config.js file in the project and add following code into the file
     var T = new Twit({
     consumer_key:         '...',
     consumer_secret:      '...',
     access_token:         '...',
     access_token_secret:  '...',
     timeout_ms:           60*1000,  // optional HTTP  
  4. Then go to and create new app and copy corresponding keys and paste in the config.js file.
  5. run npm start or node index.js here index.js is the main file.
  6. open https://localhost:3000 to see the project

Feel free to contact for suggestions